In the window and door sector, Fisanotti Infissi e Arredi offers various solutions both in terms of materials and technical characteristics in order to be able to provide the most suitable product for different construction needs.
From a noble, timeless and eco-sustainable material, a warm, creative and solid frame is born. The wooden frames are built with laminated wood profiles of various essences (Pine, Okumè, Oak, Mahogany, Chestnut, etc.) treated with water-based paints which guarantee a duration of at least 7 years when exposed to the sun. Furthermore, Fisanotti Infissi e Arredi makes its experience available for the constant maintenance of the same even after years.
A solution that combines the advantages of wood with the practicality of external aluminum which does not require major treatments and maintenance due to solar exposure. The result is a high-performance window, which requires little maintenance and is slightly penalized by a slightly higher cost than the others.
The aluminum frames produced by Fisanotti Infissi e Arredi are characterized by robustness (because they are built with PONZIO profiles), quality and variety of finishes because the paintwork respects rigid protocols in terms of guaranteeing corrosion. However, it remains understood that the strong point of aluminum frames is the "Minimal and Modern" appearance suitable for a context that is increasingly present in today's construction.
The characteristics of the PVC fixtures from Fisanotti Infissi e Arredi are the high thermal insulation, which combined with the harmonious and rounded shapes and the absence of maintenance, create a valid solution with a good compromise in the choice of fixtures.
The increasingly frequent requests to darken and shade glass frames with systems that require less and less maintenance leads to propose aluminum shutters as a valid alternative even on typologies with particular shapes such as Centinate and Fuorisquadra. Strengthened by a collaboration with PONZIO which provides paints and finishes resistant to atmospheric agents, Fisanotti Infissi e Arredi guarantees a long-lasting and pleasant result.
The need to have an aesthetic that increasingly resembles wood in darkening systems has led Fisanotti Infissi e Arredi to integrate the solution of the PVC shutter which contains the almost perfect aesthetics of wood and durability over time against atmospheric agents. All this while respecting the right construction criteria and limits of use of the same in various situations.